Cookies policy

This page is using cookies and other related web technologies to save your preferences on the website and to track how you use the page for analytical purposes using Google Analytics. We might be saving the following data:

  • date of visit
  • anonymised IP address
  • type of operating system and browser used
  • approximate location
  • time spent on the website
  • visited subpages and links clicked

You can always change preferences on cookies in your browser settings. Additionally, we are giving you 3 options to choose from when setting cookies preferences for our website. These are visible in the pop-up banner:

  • Agree to all: this will allow us to save your preferences regarding the website, such as if you want to see the banner again, as well as will allow us to use tracking cookies for analysis purposes.
  • Agree to necessary: we won't use tracking cookies and will only save your preferences to not show you the banner again.
  • Refuse: we won't use cookies. The banner will appear again next time you enter the website.

You can withdraw your consent by removing all cookies related to this page. Read your browser's help to see how to do it.